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Misusing “and” in C++

The following is valid C++ code:

int x = 0;
int and y = x + 1;

Huh? What does int and y mean?

Epic’s LinkedIn Job Listings

I have to say, I’m not a fan of Epic’s approach to nationwide recruiting here: There are a bunch of listings for the same job in different cities across the country, but the description states that the position requires relocating to the Madison, Wisconsin, area.

Back-to-School Spam: Proxy Spam via College Qualtrics Accounts

The latest trend of “proxy spam” in my spam folder is Qualtrics surveys from college and university accounts. While surveys like this can be annoying sometimes, that’s not what’s happening here.

Building a Simple Web Server with Python

When you think of Web development in Python, you might think of popular Web frameworks like Django or Flask. While these are good for large applications used by many people simultaneously, Python’s standard libary is good enough for a small project that’s only used by one person at a time.

An Experiment with My FM Radio Transmitter

A while ago I talked about how I had trouble playing music in my car because it doesn’t have an aux port. As I mentioned in that post, I decided to use an FM audio transmitter, but one of the problems with this is that the signal could potentially be picked up in nearby cars. I had some evidence that this was possible, but I figured I should actually test this out.

Visualizing the Space of IP Addresses

I’ve been learning about IPv6, and I built a visualization tool to compare its IP addresses with IPv4. The difference between the two is striking.

Dear Recruiters, If You Send Me a Job Outside My Local Area…

…please acknowledge that it will require relocating!

The Trouble with Made-Up Example Sites and Domains

When people talk about building a website, it’s common to use an example name rather than the name of an actual website. And when people ask questions about their websites, they often use a placeholder instead of the real name. This all makes sense, but when it isn’t done right, it can lead to problems. To see why, let’s start with the story of a Web host and its employees.

Thinking About Phone Trees, and an Annoying Call I Had to Make

I came across an article from Nielsen Norman Group titled “The UX of Phone-Tree Systems.” It talks about how to improve the usability of phone trees, those automated systems that give you a list of options and a number to press for each one. It just so happened that I had to use one of these recently, and this article highlighted what found so annoying about that call.

Building Web Applications the Old-Fashioned Way

Web development on the frontend has come a long way from writing scripts and putting them directly into a Web page. Build tools and frameworks make it much easier to build entire applications that run in the browser, far beyond anything thought possible when JavaScript was first created.

Even so, it’s still possible to do it the old-fashioned way, and it turns out we don’t actually have to give up everything that modern Web development has brought us.