
Protecting My Home Server’s Power Button with molly-guard and acpid

A while ago I took one of the old desktop computers in the house and turned it into a basic home server. Right now its main functions are printing and file storage, and most of the time it can be turned off. To make this easy, I’ve kept the default behavior for the power button to shut down the system.

But just shutting down a server like this is risky. What if someone is still logged in and working on something? That work would be lost if the server was shut down unexpectedly.

How to Build Sonic Pi in a Debian Jessie Chroot

(All the nitty-gritty details, ironed out after hours of frustration)

Sonic Pi is a music synthesizer powered by code. Instead of playing on a keyboard and turning knobs, a performer writes code on the fly. To progress the music, change the code. I’ve been trying to explore ways to perform music live for some time, and combining music and code is too good for me to overlook.