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Sweet French Toast (Recipe)

French toast is a simple dish with just three main ingredients: bread, egg, and milk. Normally it’s golden yellow but this version is dark brown because I’ve added brown sugar. I like it because the sweetness is already inside and you don’t need to add any syrup.

Pork Sausage Experiment

First attempt at a pork sausage loosely based on white pudding.

Carbonara (Recipe)

Spaghetti alla carbonara (or just carbonara) is a rich pasta dish that gets its flavor from generous portions of cured pork, cheese, and black pepper.

Fake Storage Devices

I wish I could get 8 TB of storage for $30! This is clearly fake.

Fake storage devices with high capacities at ridiculously low prices are a scourge and have probably lost countless people’s data. They’re usually a smaller-capacity device that’s been reprogrammed to trick the computer into thinking it’s bigger than it actually is. When you try to save data that’s too big for the real capacity, old data gets overwritten so your files get corrupted.

Second Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine

I received the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. My arm was sore until the next day, more than after the first dose, but I didn’t experience fever, tiredness, or anything like that.

I will say that I got the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech, but…

Fun with Answers to Security Questions Using Diceware

Security questions are questions about personal details (like, “What was your first car you drove?” and, “What was the first concert you attended?”) that are meant to help recover your account in case something happens like you forgot your password.

As Wired writes, security questions are insecure. Why? It boils down to two things:

How Do You Pronounce “Suggest”?

I was reading about words in English with a double soft G (“suggest,” “exaggerate,” and “Reggie”) and apparently the “American” pronunciation of “suggest” is something like “sug-JEST” with a hard G sound in the middle, which is blowing my mind right now.

A COVID-19 Vaccine and What This Means for the Future

The FDA recently authorized the use of a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. Here are some of my thoughts on what this means for the pandemic and the future.

My MySpace Data Is Gone

I logged into my MySpace account yesterday and pretty much everything was gone. It’s surreal to think that a significant aspect of several years of my life that I entrusted to this site has just disappeared.

Google Chrome's Rise to Dominance
I’m still amazed at how Google Chrome’s rise seems to have just passed me by. I remember thinking when it first came out, “What’s the big deal? Firefox works just fine.” And now it seems I’m in a vanishingly small minority.